A JAVA program that calculates the top ten stock market symbols according to volume from a feed of input data. The volume of any particular stock can be define by E (order executed ) + P (trade) = Volume. The program assumes input order messages from the feed pitch data file below which contains approxmatiely 2000 lines of order messages ready to be processed. It will execute any of the order messages: Add, Order Executed, Order Cancel, Trade, Trade Break, Auction Update, or Auction Summary, and return the top ten stocks by volume.

Furthermore, you will find the offical specification to the order message here.Visit specification document.

To run the program on your computer:

  1. Make sure you have Java installed, you can confirm by entering ‘Java -version’ on the command line. You should get the version you have installed.
  2. Make sure to place the PitchDriver.class file and pitch_feed_data file on your desktop or in the same folder so the program can find it.
  3. Finally, open the command line again, navigate to your desktop, and simply type in ‘java PitchDriver’

View source codeDownload Program FileDownload Pitch Feed Data File

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